
Pharmacovigilance (according to the WHO) is the science which brings together the activities of detection, evaluation, understanding and prevention of adverse effects of drugs placed on the market, this concerns drug intolerance, misuse or abusive use. , therapeutic errors, drug dependence, antibiotic resistance, therapeutic failure, effects on pregnant women or children, etc. Likewise, materiovigilance helps prevent incidents and risks of serious incidents, involving medical devices, do not (re)occur, by taking appropriate preventive and/or corrective measures.

Pharmacovigilance (according to the WHO) is the science that encompasses the activities of detecting, evaluating, understanding, and preventing adverse effects of marketed medicines. This includes drug intolerance, misuse or abuse, therapeutic errors, drug dependence, antibiotic resistance, therapeutic failures, effects on pregnant women or children, etc. Similarly, medical device vigilance aims to prevent the recurrence of serious incidents and risks involving medical devices by implementing appropriate preventive and/or corrective measures.

At Arwa Medic, patient safety is a priority. It is ensured through the monitoring and management of adverse effects associated with products, which are reported by healthcare professionals and patients.

This monitoring allows us to measure the effectiveness of a medication and promote its rational use. We contribute to this through education, training, and raising awareness among relevant parties.

The scientific and regulatory monitoring we conduct at Arwa Medic enables us to collect information and pharmacovigilance cases, which are recorded and processed by our teams within regulatory timeframes, in accordance with the Directorate of Medication and Pharmacy and the National Pharmacovigilance Center.


    Drug concerned*
    Description of the event*
    Person concerned *
    Contact details of the person to be contacted*